Adding Administrators

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Adding Administrators

Project and Company Administrator accounts are used to enable and manage Guardian's protections and features.

All administrators must first be given administrative privileges on the Administrators tab under Company Settings.

Guardian dialog on how to add admins

(A) The Administrator tab lists all the administrator licenses assigned to the Guardian account.

(B) Start adding administrators by selecting the Add New button. Within the Add/Edit Administrator dialog, the following information is to be entered:

  • First and Last Name
  • Email
  • Role: Company Administrator/ Project Administrator. This is where administrators are assigned to their given roles. Company Administrators have permissions to edit all settings at both the company and project levels, and for all projects.  Project Administrators only have permission for the projects that have been assigned to.
  • Selecting When Opening project, automatically add users as an administrator to that project will permit Auto Add.
  • Selecting Allow user to add themselves as administrators to other projects shown in the project dialog will permit Allow Add.
Guardian Add/Edit Administrator dialog

(C) The Admin Type is shown for each admin. For more information on the differences between the two, see the article on Administrator Roles.

(D) Auto Add:

  • If Checked: When either a Company or Project Administrator opens a registered project model, they are automatically added as an administrator to the project.
  • If Unchecked: User will have to be manually added as the administrator to the file in the Projects menu. The process for this can be found in Administrator Roles.

(E) Allow Add:

  • If Checked: Allows the Project Administrator to add themselves to the projects through the Projects dialog.
  • If Unchecked: Only Company Administrators can assign Project Administrators to projects.

Note: Allow Add only applies to the Project Administrator level. By default, any Company Administrator can manually add themselves to any project.  

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