As described below, most Guardian’s features and protections offer three levels of Protection Modes; Monitor, Guide, and Prevent.
We understand a one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate for all situations and commands. Thus, by providing three levels of Protection Modes, Administrators can customize Guardian and interact with end users in a manner that best suites the firm.
Monitor mode will register the Revit transaction without providing any Command Messages or interrupting end user workflows. In Monitor mode, Guardian collects analytical data to be accessed through Guardian Backstage and, if enabled for the specific feature, Guardian will send email notifications to Project Administrators when the selected command or feature is used by an end user. Monitor mode is recommended as a minimum Protection Mode for all features and the default selection for all new accounts.
Guide mode will provide the same data-analytics and Company/Project Administrators notifications as with Monitor mode but will introduce a Command Message to the end user when attempting to execute a protected command or if a protection feature is triggered (like unpinning a protected pin). The Command Message dialog will include a message that can be customized by Administrators. To proceed, the end users will be required to click OK and, if enabled, enter a comment. If enabled through the Command Frequency, the end user can modify the frequency in which the Guide level Command Messages are prompted.
Prevent mode is similar to Guide mode with the Command Message, data-analytics, and Administrator notifications, but the end user will be required to provide the Project Password or One-Time Password to proceed. If enabled through the Command Frequency, the end user can modify the frequency in which the Prevent Command Messages are prompted.
Reach out to learn more, ask any questions, or meet the team! We'd love to learn more about your challenges and explore the more proactive solution.