Workset Manager

Knowledge BaseWorkset Automation
Workset Manager

In this article

Workset Manager is a powerful feature that provides Company Administrators the means to establish company standard worksets and automate adherence to those standards. The Workset Manager allows Company Administrators to create multiple Workset Sets for different disciplines, typologies, or clients, to be selected when Revit users enable Worksharing. Each Workset Set can contain a unique list of worksets.  

Furthermore, the Workset Manager addresses the placement of elements onto the correct workset, with customized rule-based automation for elements to be placed on these pre-defined Worksets.  

Why you need Workset Manager

The Workset Manager addresses two distinct limitations of Worksets: consistent creation and naming of Worksets and the assignment of placed elements onto the correct Worksets.

Establishing Workset Sets

Workset Sets must be established to utilize the Workset Manager broader functionality. A minimum of one Set must be created.

Workset Manager dialog

New Workset Sets can be created or modified using the new/modify/delete buttons at the bottom of the window. Each Set can contain multiple worksets dependent on the firm’s various project types and/or disciplines.

The Assign to project button can be used to assign a Workset Set to a currently open project either before or after worksharing is enabled. A Workset Set must be assigned to a project for the Workset Manager to function for the desired project.  

Pro Tip: Worksets can be copied/pasted between sets using the CTRL+C and CTRL+V commands.

When activated under Project Configurations > Custom Interactions > Worksharing: Write worksets from a set when worksharing is enabled, end users will be automatically prompted to load the appropriate Workset Sets into the active project when worksharing is enabled.  

Project Configurations dialog with Worksharing highlighted
Worksharing dialog

Establishing Worksets

Worksets must be added to each Set. The worksets added here can be renamed or deleted using the buttons at the bottom of the window.

There are two important icons to be applied to Worksets:

Star Icon: Establishes the default workset. The default workset will replace the Workset1 when worksharing is enabled or if added to a project where Workset1 already exists. It will also be the defaulted option when selecting the active workset upon opening the model (if turned on in Company Settings).

Grid Icon: The workset designated to replace the Shared Levels and Grids workset when worksharing is enabled or when added to a workshare enabled project. When added to a workshare enabled project, a prompt will ask if the workset is to replace the existing levels and grids workset or to be added as a separate workset.

Worksets for a Workshared Enable Project

The Workset portion of the Workset Manager provides additional information that assists in managing the active project model and the Workset Sets as a whole. There are additional icons and information applied to Worksets:

A green check mark indicates the Workset is assigned to the active Workset Set and has been added to the active project model. The Add to project will be greyed out.

Workset dialog with green check mark

A greyed out Workset indicates that it's part of the active project model but is not assigned to the active Workset Set. Clicking Add to Set will assign the Workset to the active Workset Set and will be saved for all new projects.

Workset dialog with greyed out Workset name

A Workset without a green check mark and not greyed out indicates a Workset assigned to the active Workset Set but is not present in the active project model. Clicking Add to Project will assign the Workset to the active project model.

Workset dialog with active workset set

Establishing Workset Rules

The Workset Manager allows for the creation of rules-based automation that can automatically place modeled elements in real-time to the correct Workset. The Workset Manager can also prevent modeled elements from being placed on the incorrect Worksets.

With the desired Workset selected, a new Rule can be created by clicking the New button under the Rules section of the Workset Manager.  

When a new rule is created, different types of conditions can be added:

  • Category
  • Parameter
  • Filename (RVT Links, CAD)
  • Family
  • Family Type

These rules can be used to automatically assign elements onto the workset as they are placed or after the fact using the Run all rules button. Elements will be assigned to a workset if they meet the criteria for at least one of the created rules. Rules can be created with either Category or Parameter based components. The example below could be used for exterior walls.

Rule dialog for Exterior Walls

The Rules can be applied manually or automatically to placed modeled elements.

Click Run all rules to manually apply all rules under the selected Workset. When Workset Rules are ran manually, a Workset Rules Report prompt will be displayed:

Workset Rules Report dialog

To run the Rules automatically, under Project Configurations, or Project Settings to establish automatic Workset Rules independently, check Worksharing: Run workset rules Automatically to automatically assign the correct Workset to the placed model element.

Project Configurations dialog with run workset rules automatically highlighted

Within the Workset Manager, enable Run rules automatically when new instanced are added for each Workset Rules to turn on automations on a Workset-by-Workset basis.

Please note, the Workset Set must be assigned to the active project model and the individual Workset must have the green check for the automation of Workset Rules.

Selecting Only allow elements that match these rules, modeled elements placed on the active Workset but don’t match the specified rules assigned for Workset will be prohibited from the active workset. When end users attempt to place prohibited modeled elements onto the active Workset, a dialog will be displayed and offer the end user to select a different Workset in the element is to be placed. This will also set the selected Workset to be the active Workset. This only activates when the element being placed isn’t governed by another Workset Rule.

Set Active Workset Upon Open

Workset Manager will also prompt end users to select the active Workset prior to completing the opening of a workset enable project model. Proper Workset management starts with having the correct Workset active. For Workshared enabled project models, Guardian will prompt end users to select the active Workset.  

Please note, the prompt will automatically close in two minutes if no Workset is selected. The Workset as typically set by Revit will be active.

Worksharing dialog to select active workset

To turn on, under Project Configurations, or Project Settings for a given project model, check Worksharing: Prompt to choose an active workset:  

Project Configurations dialog with prompt to choose an active workset highlighted

End-user experience

Select Workset Sets to be Created

When an end user enables worksharing, Guardian will prompt them to select a Workset Set to be created from a list of Workset Sets provided within Workset Manager.

Worksharing end user dialog

Automated Workset Rules

When Workset Rules are used to automatically place modeled elements onto the correct Workset, the end user will not be presented any prompts or dialogs. Guardian will perform the automations without any warning.

If an end user attempts to place prohibited modeled elements onto the active Workset, a dialog will be displayed and offer the end user to select a different Workset the element is to be placed.

Choose workset dialog

Set Active Workset Upon Open

For Workshared enabled project models, Guardian will prompt end users to select the active Workset upon opening.

Worksharing active workset dialog

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