Initial Setup: Worksets

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Initial Setup: Worksets

In this article, we will walk through the steps necessary to utilize the Workset Manager and associated features.  

Creating: Sets, Workset, and Rules

Through the Workset Manager, sets of worksets can be created to be implemented in projects. Additionally, rules can be added for the worksets that can be used for manual and automatic assignment of elements to specific worksets. The automatic workset assignment will apply any rules when elements are placed. The Workset Manager can be found under Settings.

Guardian settings dropdown with arrow pointing to Workset Manager

In the Workset Manager there are three sections: Sets, Worksets, and Rules. Each set can contain multiple worksets. Similarly, each workset can have multiple rules created.

Workset Manager dialog showing sets, worksets, and rules

(A) Click the New button to create a set.

(B) Click the New button to create worksets for each set.

  • When creating new worksets, select Add to project when worksharing is enabled to have it added to a project when worksharing is enabled. This allows multiple worksets to be added to a set even if they may not all be needed for each project.
Add Workset dialog

(C) Worksets can be designated with the Star or Grid Head icons. These icons will show which worksets will replace Workset1 and Shared Levels and Grids respectively. This replacement will happen either at the onset of worksharing or after the fact when added to the project through the workset manager.

(D) Rules can be created for each Workset. These rules can allow for automatic assignment of worksets when elements are placed. These rules can also be run manually by admins through the workset manager by selecting a workset and clicking Run all rules. For more information, see the article on Rules.


When creating new rules for worksets, it is recommended to test them to make sure they are working as intended. The best way to do this is to enable the workset features in Project Settings for a test file you have open.

Project Settings dialog with arrows pointing to Workset features

See the Workset Manager section for more information on how to use these features.

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