Project Settings are controlled by the Project Settings button in the Guardian ribbon. This will look very similar to the Project Configurations with the exclusion of a few tabs. These tabs enable the Company/Project Administrator to customize the settings on a project level. Once a setting is changed, it will turn blue, indicating that company settings have been overridden.
We understand that you can’t predict the needs of each project. Whether it’s an advanced team that requires less direction or a schematic project phase with reduced stringency, Project Settings allow the Company Administrator to delegate customization to the individual project model level.
Pro Tip: Project Settings automatically adopt the applied Project Configuration when the project model is registered. Set up the Project Configurations to the desired level of Guardian protections to be applied to project models from the start.
Edit Password allows the Project Admin to assign their own password to the project for use with any User Command or Custom Interaction that is password protected. Note: when you change the password away from the Project Configuration, the new password will appear in blue as a visual indicator of the override.
Any settings that are customized here will override the Project Configurations. When a setting is changed, it will turn blue, indicating the settings are divergent from the Project Configuration.
Project Settings can also be accessed from the Projects dialog by selecting the Project Configuration button.
Pro Tip: From the Projects dialog, multi-select models to edit the Project Settings of multiple models simultaneously. Many projects are made up of multiple models and this will allow the settings to be established congruently across all project models.
Settings with the Notify by email option turned on means the Project Administrator registered for the project will receive the notifications.
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