Project Central

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Project Central

In this article

Project Central is a dashboard native to Revit that provides a glance into the activity and health for each registered model. The Project Central Activity Feed includes monitored User Commands, Transactions, Revit warnings, and syncing with the central file. The Project Central dashboard has sections for project health to bring to light any instances that may need to be resolved.

Why you need Project Central

Project Central gives administrators a more advanced look into models allowing them to easily and quickly identify conflicts of company standards and rectify them. To help maintain project health, Project Central shows administrators when there are unused groups, unnamed groups, in-place families, instances that have been mirrored, duplicated families, and more.  

Timelines are included in the dashboard to show changes to file size, time to open, time to synchronize, Revit warnings, and project sessions over time.  

How to use Project Central

The different sections within Project Central are shown below.

Activity Feed

Guardian Project Central Activity Feed

Within the Activity Feed the following commands/actions are shown:

User Commands

hand tools icon

User Commands are represented with the hand tools icon. The Protection Mode for each User Command will determine the color of the icon. For Monitor, Guide, and Prevent, the icons will show as green, yellow, and red respectively. Clicking on these records will show additional information on the User Command that was used and any affected elements.  

Additional information on the user command with screenshot
Additional information on User Commands


download icon

Transactions are represented with the download icon. The different color designations for these records refer to the number of individual properties affected in the Transaction. As the number of properties affected increase, the icon will change accordingly from green to yellow to red. Clicking on these records will open the Project Properties dialog and filter the history to show the specific transaction.

Transaction history selected in the Project Properties dialog
Transaction history selected in Project Properties


Caution icon with paper icon

Warnings are represented with the caution sign icon. The different color designations for these records are dependent on applied settings for Revit warning tracking in the applied Project Configuration. For more information on this, see Revit Warning Tracking. Clicking on these records will show additional information on the Revit warning and the affected elements.

Revit Warning dialog box with after screenshot
Additional information on Warnings

Sync with Central

Central model icon

Sync with Central logs are represented with the central model icon. The different color designations for these records indicate the length of time it took to synchronize the file with the central model. As sync times increase, the color of the icon will shift from green to yellow to red.  

Project at a Glance

The Project at a Glance section will provide helpful information pertinent to model health.  

Project at a Glance tab in Project Central window
Project at a Glance highlights the "actionable items"

This section will show any instances within the active model that meet the following criteria:

  • Groups without Names: Any groups that use the default Revit naming convention. i.e., Group 1.
  • Groups with Limited Usage: Any groups that have 1 or fewer instances placed.
  • In-place Families: Any in-place families that have been placed.
  • Mirrored Family Instances: Any elements that have been mirrored.
  • Duplicated Families: Any detected family duplicates with an integer following the name.
  • Protected Elements Unpinned: Any family instances that have Protected Pins enabled and have been unpinned.
  • Missing Links: Any linked elements that have lost their path.

Users at a Glance

The Users at a Glance section will provide general information about the activity of the various users for the active model.

Users at a Glance tab in Project Central
Table shows all users and their activity

This section provides general information on the number of properties that have been added, modified, and deleted as well as User Commands. The Guardian and Revit version used for each user is also shown.

When selecting on one of the elements in this table, it will filter down the Activity Feed accordingly.

Filtered information under users at a glance tab
Links in Users at a Glance filter the information in the Activity Feed


The timelines available in Project Central include Time to Open, Time to Sync, Warnings, File size, and Project Sessions. The displayed time duration for each of these can be set between 1 day and All Time.

File size bar chart under timeline
File size
Time to Open graph under timeline
Time to Open
Time to Sync line graph in Timeline
Time to Sync
Warnings Activity under Timeline
Project Sessions Timeline
Project Sessions

Each node on the timeline offers tooltips to show further information for that data point. The Project Sessions graph shows the duration of each user session for the active model. In this graph, a dotted line is used to show when the file was synced.

Sync Monitor

Administrators can monitor user sync activity for any registered workshared file through in the Sync Monitor drop-down tab.

Sync Monitor tab in Project Central

Sync Monitor will show all users who are currently in the file and their sync data. The history of syncs by users can be seen in the Timeline: Project Sessions. Administrators can select one of the users in Project Central and use the Set user as next to sync option to set that user as next in the queue to sync. If the queue is free, then that user will get a sync reminder prompt.

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