User Commands

Knowledge BaseUser Guidance & Protections
User Commands

In this article

User Commands provides Guardian level of protections by presenting a Command Message when an end user attempts to execute a Revit command that has been identified to have potential adverse effects on the project model. For each User Command, the Company/Project Administrator can create customized Command Messages to help inform end users in real-time of best practices and potential risk associated with certain Revit commands.

Guardian does this by providing roughly 100 Revit Commands in which the Company/Project Administrator can set each command to one of three Protection Modes: Monitor, Guide, or Prevent. The Company Administrator can set the baseline User Commands settings at the company level to be adopted by all project models once registered. As each project and project model has a unique set of needs and users of varying skill sets, these User Commands can be customized the Project Administrator on a model-by-model basis. Allowing a custom Command Messages for each User Commands provides an opportunity to educate end users of risks and best practices with informative, rich-text messages, images or even links to learning resources.

In conjunction with Guardian Backstage, each time a User Command is executed by end users, Guardian registers these Transactions, allowing for immense data on how end users are utilizing these Revit commands to better target training efforts.

Why you need User Commands

Ask any BIM Manager which Revit commands they consider to be the most incorrectly used or abused and you will see quite a few repeating offenders from hiding elements in view to exploding CAD. Improper modeling and drafting occur for several reasons like an upcoming deadline or a simple lack of experience. Don’t let these reasons get in the way of clean models and standards! Get in front of the end user in real-time and guide them to BIM excellence with Command Messages.

Customize User Commands

When User Commands are first established within Project Configurations under the Custom Interaction tab, it will be adopted by each project model once the model is registered. If needed, User Commands can be disabled within Project Settings on the Custom Interactions tab on a model-by-model basis. The commands are organized into six categories that relate to their Revit function: Collaborate, Command, Insert, Location, Manage, and Settings.

Project Configurations User Commands tab

Pro Tip: User Commands displayed in blue indicate the project level setting differs from those set at the company level.

Both company and project level customization can be applied under the User Commands tab within Company Settings or Project Settings as follows.

  1. Select the New button to add new commands to the list of User Commands to be protected.
  2. For each command, these settings can be applied to each:
    • Set the Guardian Protection Mode to: Monitor, Guide, or Prevent. By default, the Protection Mode is set to Monitor.
    • Send email: If checked, will notify the Project Administrator when an end user attempts to execute the protected command.
    • Req. Comment: If checked, requires the end user to provide a comment to proceed with the protected command, allowing for a two-way dialogue with the end user and creating accountability.
    • Edit Message: Allows the Project Administrator to customize a Command Message that the end user will see when attempting to execute the protected command.

Pro Tip: Running each User Command in Monitor during the trial period is our recommendation to effectively gather great insight while running Guardian in “stealth” mode.

Pro Tip: Humor is a great way to encourage buy-in and best practices. Consider inserting a clever meme or funny image into the Command Message.

Command Message edit dialog

End user experience

When an end user attempts to execute a protected command identified under User Commands, Guardian will alert them with the custom Command Message provided by the Project Administrator.

Guardian Command Message

If selected for the specific User Command, the end user will be required to provide a comment to proceed with executing the protected command.

If set by the Project Administrator, the end user will be required to provide the Project Password or One-Time Password to proceed with executing the protected command.

If activated for the specific User Command under Command Frequency, the end user can set the frequency in which the Command Message is displayed, removing the need for the end user to be reminded each time the command is executed of the best practices and/or potential risk associated with the User Command.

Project Administrator notifications

When an end user attempts to execute a protected command, the Project Administrator will be notified with an email containing the pertinent information. This is great insight and an opportunity to discuss with the user the best practices and/or potential risk associated with certain Revit commands.

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