
Knowledge BaseUser Guidance & Protections

In this article

Guardian helps to keep you in the loop with notifications on protected commands and activity. This section will go over the different types of notifications and how they can be enabled.

User Command activity

The User Commands can be set to Monitor, Guide, or Prevent. When set to Guide or Prevent, the Send Email option will provide email notifications to Company Admins or associated Project Admins when those commands are used by end users.  

Project Configurations dialog with arrow pointing to send email checkbox

If a command is set to Guide or Prevent, the command can either be Processed or Cancelled when the Guide/Prevent dialog appears to end users. In this dialog, hitting OK will process the command while the Cancel button will cancel the command. Any cancelled commands will not send email notifications to admins.

Guardian Command Message

The email notifications will provide useful information like username, command name, selected elements, active view, and certain commands will also provide screenshots of the active window before and after the command is used.  

Guardian email notification

The collection of screenshots can be disabled in the Project Configurations.

Custom Interactions

Many of the protections and features found in Custom Interactions can also send email notifications when triggered.  

Project Configurations Custom Interactions tab

Weekly reports

Company Administrators will also receive weekly report emails. These reports will show command usage (Cancelled/Processed) and metrics on Guardian including the number of properties removed, number of mapped families, outdated Guardian installs, and more.

Guardian weekly report email

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