When end users choose to change the Command Frequency for a given User Commands, the end user and the command is populated within the User Overrides settings menu, allowing the Company Administrator to override the end user’s selection. The Company Administrator can add overrides to customize the experience of individual end users.
The User Commands dialog is populated when users change the Command Frequency setting away from the company or project defaults. It is here that administrators can modify or remove any overrides made by users. Administrators can also add overrides to customize the experience of individual users.
The User Commands dialog was created to allow Guardian Administrators a convenient location to see detailed information when users override the default Command Frequency settings. The option to override the default settings allows users to directly alter their experience. While this freedom is beneficial, it would not be Guardian without the option to override the user, ensuring the admin gets the final say.
While Command Frequency allows the end user to determine the frequency in which Guardian’s User Commands displays Command Messages, we understand many end users will use these capabilities irresponsibly. Thus, we have provided Company Administrators the ability to review and override the Command Frequency set by the end user.
In the User Overrides dialog, Administrators will be able to modify existing frequency overrides and also create custom ones as well.
In the Settings (A), Administrators can filter down the overrides to just show users for the open project or from all of their assigned projects.
For each override, the Username, Command Name, and desired frequency preference is shown. The frequency override can be modified for each end user by selecting in the users row under the Preference column.
The end users ability to modify the frequency setting can also be customized by selecting/deselecting the User Can Edit checkboxes.
Administrators can also create custom overrides for particular end users by selecting the New button (B).
Within this dialog, an Administrator can select multiple end users and specify the desired Command Frequency just for them.
When a normal user performs a command that is set to Guide or Prevent, the Command Message dialog will pop up, informing the user of their attempt with a custom message from the Administrator.
If the User can edit option is enabled, the end user can use the Remind me dropdown in the lower left of the dialog to alter the frequency at which they see this guided message.
Pro Tip: Within the email notification for a command set to Guide or Prevent, if the user has overridden the default setting and chosen the Never option, the Guide mode will be changed to Monitor (Overridden). This is a hint that there has been a frequency override without necessarily checking the User Overrides dialog.
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