Administrator Roles

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Administrator Roles

In this article:

While BIM Managers like to be everywhere all the time, that’s just not realistic. Guardian provides two types of administrators: Company Administrators and Project Administrators. The Company Administrator manages the company level settings that allow Guardian to perform optimally and the default settings that are automatically adopted by projects once registered. The Project Administrator manages the project level settings that provide control and oversight to the project model. The Project Administrator does not have access to the company level settings. This dual administrator levels allow for the management of the project models to be delegated directly to people assigned to the project.

The Project Administrator role allows you to delegate individual projects to your project teams. As no two projects are identical, Guardian allows for customization of Project Settings and thus allows for the Project Administrator to setup and control the project as needed. These administrators handle the project-related controls and oversight while Company Administrators manage the company defaults and identify training opportunities. All administrators can now be managed through the Administrators tab in Company Settings.

Customize Administrator Roles

All administrators must first be given administrative privileges on the Administrators tab under Company Settings.  

Guardian Company Settings dialog

Pro Tip: Along the top of Administrators tab, Guardian provides a count of utilized administrator licenses and the total administrator licenses available.  

  1. Start adding administrators by selecting the Add New button. Within the Add/Edit Administrator dialog, the following information is to be entered:
    • First and Last Name
    • Email
    • Role: Company Administrator/Project Administrator. This is where administrators are assigned to their given roles. Company Administrators have permissions to edit all settings at both the company and project levels, and for all projects. Project Administrators only have permission for the projects that they have been assigned to.  
    • Selecting When Opening project, automatically add users as an administrator to those projects will permit ‘Auto Add’.  
    • Selecting Allow user to add themselves as administrators to other project shown in the projects dialog will permit ’Allow Add’.
  2. The Administrator tab list all the administrator licenses assigned to the Guardian account. The ‘Auto Add’ and ‘Allow add’ permissions are easily managed.

Auto Add:

  • If Checked: When either a Company or Project Administrator opens a registered project model, they are automatically added as an administrator to the project.
  • If Unchecked: User will have to be manually added as the administrator to the file in the Projects menu. As seen below.

Allow Add:

  • If Checked: Allows the Project Administrator to add themselves to the projects through the Projects dialog.
  • If Unchecked: Only the Company Administrator can assign Project Administrators to projects. Project Administrators can add other administrators to projects that they are assigned to.

Note: Allow Add only applies to the Project Administrator level. By default, any Company Administrator can manually add themselves to any project.  

Manually Assigning Administrators

In the Projects dialog, administrators can be assigned to registered models. There are different ways to assign administrators for the current open model vs. other registered models.

For active open models

  1. Within the Current Open Project information at the top of the dialog, select the button for Administrator.  
  1. Once selected, a secondary Administrator dialog will appear with a list of all Administrators assigned to the project or projects. Administrators can be added or deleted as necessary.
  1. Selecting the Add New button will provide a list of all available Company or Project Administrators to be added.
Guardian dialog for adding admins to active open models

For registered models not currently open

In the Projects dialog, the assigned admins for each registered model shown in the table can be changed by selecting within the Administrators column.

Pro Tip: CTRL+Left Mouse click allows to select multiple projects to edit the Administrators simultaneously.

  1. Select the cell containing the sole administrator assigned for that project. If there are multiple administrators assigned, <Multiple> will be shown. <none> will be shown if no administrators have been assigned to the project.
  1. Once selected, a secondary Administrator dialog will appear with a list of all Administrators assigned to the project or projects. Administrators can be added or deleted as necessary.
  1. Selecting the New button will provide a list of all available Company or Project Administrators to be added.  
Guardian dialog for adding admins to registered models not open

Administrator Notifications

Project Administrators receive notifications and weekly reports detailing activity from the projects they are assigned. Company Administrators continue to receive reports of all company activity. Company Administrators will no longer receive instant email alerts from project activity unless they are assigned as an Administrator to those projects or there is no Administrator assigned at all.

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