Command Frequency allows administrators to customize the frequency of Guardian’s User Commands Guide and Prevent Command Messages. For each of the User Commands listed under Command Frequency, the Project/Company Administrator can set how often the Command Message appears to the end users. The desired frequency for the end user can be set under the ‘Default Setting’. Enabling the ‘User Can Edit’ option will allow users to change the frequency as desired (see image below). Users can also be given an option to disable the guide dialog. This can be activated by enabling the Allow Never option. Because these settings allow for the end user to customize their Guardian experience, User Override options ensure the Project/Company Administrator can override any Command Frequency settings established by the end user.
Revit skill levels across firms and projects vary greatly and are nuanced. The Revit users themselves are often best suited to determine how helpful the User Commands Guide or Prompt Command Messages are, as permitted by the Project/Company Administrator within the Command Frequency settings.
We believe Guardian’s purpose is to assist and educate Revit users on the proper Revit usage as determined by the Project/Company Administrator. Once an end user is alerted to the purpose or potential risk associated with specific commands, they may not need to be reminded every time thereafter.
Any User Commands that have modes set to ‘Guide’ or 'Prevent' will automatically show on the Command Frequency tab within Project Configurations. Also note, that these Command Frequency settings will be adopted by each project model once the model is registered, allowing for customization at the project level. User Commands set to monitor are not available through Command Frequency as the end user does not receive a user command prompt.
(A) Mode: The 'Mode' is automatically set based on the settings established in the User Commands tab and therefore can only be edited in the User Commands tab.
Pro Tip: Sort by 'Mode' by selecting the Mode column header and using the shift key to multi-select several commands at once and quickly edit their 'Default Settings' as a group.
(B) Default Setting: The 'Default Setting' is what the Company Administrator has established as the overall company setting for Command Frequency OR what the Project Administrator has set within the Project Settings for Command Frequency.
(C) User Can Edit:
Note: The 'Remind Me' option will display whatever the current default frequency for that command is. By selecting the dropdown carrot, the user will have the option to select the other options.
(D) Allow Never: This allows the end user to effectively disable the Command Message permanently moving forward. This applies to the user across all projects, regardless of which project this was initiated with. Note: This is reversable, and admins can always remove any user overrides.
Pro Tip: Utilize User Overrides to fine-tune the frequency for users that require individual attention.
Users have the option of using the ‘Remind Me’ drop-down menu to choose a frequency they perceive to be appropriate.
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