Guardian Mapping Configuration works in conjunction with Guardian Project Properties. When a Project or Company Administrator uses Project Properties to replace, or map, incoming Revit properties to those in the active project model, the Mapping Configuration will remember these mappings. Mapping Configurations are the company standards stored and memorized for all projects to use. This article will go over the steps for establishing the initial mapping configuration files. Learn more about the Anatomy of Mappings and Project Properties.
Guardian does not come with preloaded Mapping Configuration files. It is recommended starting with an initial three Mapping Configuration files as follows:
For many new Guardian clients, this will serve as the default Mapping Configuration file for newly registered project models. This is the recommended workflow until new clients become comfortable with Mapping Configurations. The process for setting the default Mapping Configuration when a project is registered will be described later on in this section.
A testing configuration is to be used when testing out new mapping rules without affecting existing Registered models.
Once a client becomes proficient with Mapping Configurations, the Company Standards mapping configuration is where the rules are stored that would be applied across all registered models. Approved rules can also be added to the Blank configuration over time rather than having a separate configuration for company standards.
To create a Mapping Configuration file, select the Mapping Configurations under Settings.
In the Mapping Configurations window, to create a new mapping configuration click the New button (A). The other buttons provide can be used to Rename, Copy, Delete, or Merge existing configurations.
A default Mapping Configuration can be selected for all newly registered models. It is recommended to set a default Mapping Configuration to allow Guardian to function properly.
Once the Mapping Configuration files are created, one can be set as the default option for newly registered files. The default can be set in Company Settings in the Project Registration Rules.
The default Mapping Configuration file that may have been applied to an existing registered Project Model can be changed as follows:
With the desired project model open, go to Settings > Projects. In Projects, the mapping configuration can be changed for either the current project or any other registered file.
Pro tip: Administrators do not need to log out of their administrator account to test mapping rules.
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