Registered Projects

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Registered Projects

The Projects dialog provides many features that allows Company/Project Administrators to manually register projects, view all registered project models, and edit the Project Settings and Mapping Configurations for a single project or multiple project models simultaneously.  

The Projects dialog displays multiple type of information:

  • Current Open Project provides basic information about the File Name and Location along with the ability to customize the Mapping Configuration, Project Settings, and Project Administrators.
  • Projects provides a list of all registered project models, including who registered them, when, and what Mapping Configuration has been assigned.
  • Project Templates provides a list of all registered project templates including who registered them, when, and what Mapping Configuration has been assigned.

Why you need Registered Projects

While there are many settings and configurations that can be automatically setup when the project model is registered, we understand there is a need for manual customization at the start of a project or anytime throughout.

Customize Registered Projects

Projects will only be available under Settings for Company and Project Administrators.

Current Open Project

There are many reasons why a firm may not want to automate Project Registration. For that reason, Guardian has the Register Project button to manually register project models as they must be registered before Guardian will be activated for a given project.  

Guardian ribbon with arrow pointing to Register Project

When manually registering files, a prompt will appear for Administrators to specify the desired Mapping Configuration, Project Configuration, Workset Set, and Administrators.

Project Registration dialog

Project models can be manually registered by selecting the Register Project icon displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the Projects dialog.

Settings dropdown with arrow pointing to Projects
Projects dialog with arrow pointing to Register Project button

This will only display for Project Administrators if Allow Add is selected under Administrators.  

Project models can be unregistered with the same button.

Projects dialog with details highlighted

In the Projects dialog, the following can be modified for the active project file.

  • Project Group: Allows admins to add the file to a Project Group.
  • Mapping Configuration: Allows for manual changing of the Mapping Configuration applied to the active project.
  • Project Configuration: This allows for the selection or customization of the Project Configuration for the active project. Any changes to these settings can be saved to the set configuration or overridden for just the active file. The settings remain synchronized with the Project Configuration until overridden. Any Project Configuration with overridden settings will be shown with an asterisk.
  • Administrator: This allows for the assignment of the Project Administrators to the active project. Project Administrators must be added to a project by another Company/Project Administrator. If permitted under Administrators by the specific Project Administrators, Allow Add is selected by clicking the Make Me Admin button. If Auto Add is selected under Administrators, the Company/Project Administrator will automatically be assigned to the project model.

Registered Projects

The Projects dialog provides a list of all registered project models, including who registered them, when, the applied Mapping Configuration, and which Project Configuration has been assigned. Additional columns can be added to show file size, Revit version, last saved date, etc.

Pro Tip: From the Projects dialog, multi-select models to edit the project settings of multiple models simultaneously. Many projects are made up of multiple models and this will allow the settings to be established congruently across all project models.  

Registered Projects dialog with multiple files in one group

The registered files in the table can be selected (or multi-selected) to modify the set Mapping Configuration, Project Configuration, or assigned Administrators.

The lower buttons can be used to modify the selected projects as well:

  • Archive: The selected project(s) can be archived. This will have the project(s) act as unregistered but will retain the data logs for the file.
  • Unregister: The selected project(s) can be unregistered.

The Sync Monitor and Project Central can also be accessed for any of these files. Project groups can be created, modified, or deleted using the options at the bottom. Files can also be added to any created project groups.

Pro Tip: To reduce the number of projects listed, select one or multiple project models and click Archive to remove the project models from the list. This option does not remove the registration status but removes it from the main list of registered project models.

The search box can be used to filter the list to only specified projects.

Projects settings dropdown

The settings have the following options:

  • Show only my projects will display only project models in which the current Company/Project Administrator has been assigned to. By default, Project Administrators will only see project models in which they have been assigned.
  • Show archived projects will display only project models that have been archived.
  • Expand All will expand all collapsed tree items.
  • Collapse All will collapse all expanded tree items.
  • Columns can be added or removed by selecting/deselecting the different columns types.

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