Guardian protections, features, and analytics will only work if project files are registered. Even if none of the Guardian features have been enabled, having projects registered will allow some of the basic functionality to be utilized, such as:
Project models must be registered before Guardian will be activated for a given project. There are two ways in which projects can be registered:
This allows for Company Administrators to determine what type of projects that will be registered. For instance, a non-workshared project model may not want to be registered as it’s only for specific study or only register project models hosted on BIM360.
Project models can be registered in a couple of ways. They can be manually registered by selecting the Register Project button in the Guardian Add-Ins tab.
When manually registering files, a prompt will appear for Administrators to specify the desired mapping configuration, project configuration, workset set, and administrators. If any set rules apply to the active project, then the configurations will be filled automatically based on the rules' selection.
Project models can also be registered automatically based on some predetermined rules. The rules can be set up under the File Registration tab within Company Settings.
(A) Registration: Rules can be created for different file types to be registered automatically when created or opened.
(B) Click the Edit rules button next to each model type to further specify the conditions in which the models get registered.
Within the Rules dialog, many different conditions can be added in AND and OR configurations similar to Revit View Filter rules. Use the Add Condition button to add conditions from the available condition types.
Each rule can be used to register files automatically or to apply the selected configurations when registering files manually. To disable automatic registration, select the Manual registration only checkbox.
(C) When creating a model from another existing registered model, the registration behavior can be specified to either use the existing Mapping Configuration, Project Configuration, Administrators, and Workset Set or to apply the registration rules.
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