The Sync Traffic Control feature allows Administrators to prevent sync conflicts and decrease downtime. This is done in two major ways: by allowing Admins to keep track of user sync behavior and to create tailored sync reminders. This feature also has protections that can prevent users from trying to sync a file at the same time as another user.
Sync times are critical for firms when trying to limit down time. It can be difficult to train users on the importance of syncing files regularly and have them keep to it; but to keep sync times down and increase productivity, it is crucial. The new Sync Traffic Monitor allows Administrators to not only keep an eye on the sync activity of users, but to also create custom sync reminders.
This feature can be enabled and customized within Project Configurations. This can also be enabled on a project-by-project basis by using the Project Settings.
The settings can be modified by selecting on the cog icon.
There are many settings that allow for full customization of the sync reminders:
(A) - In order to prevent users from syncing a file while another user is currently syncing, the protection mode can be set to Guide or Prevent with a custom Command Message.
Should a user encounter this situation and be prompted with a Guide or Prevent dialog, they will have the option to add themselves to a queue that will notify them when the file is free to be synced.
(B) - By selecting the checkbox, the Guardian Sync reminders will appear to users in place of the standard Revit sync reminders.
For the reminders, the message in the dialog can be customized.
The time interval between reminders can be set to different intervals. After syncing, or opening a workshared file, the next reminder will occur at the first-time interval. Should the user cancel, or snooze, the reminder will occur again at the next set time interval. This will continue until the file is synced.
The last time interval will repeat until the file is synced.
For the reminders, there is a time-out for the dialog. This will automatically snooze or sync the file based on the settings.
(C) - The behavior of the Sync Reminders can be customized with the following options:
(D) - The time-out duration for the Sync with Central dialogs can be set.
Administrators can monitor user sync activity for any registered workshared file through Project Central in the Sync Monitor drop-down tab.
The Sync Monitor will show all users who are currently in the file and their sync data.
The history of syncs by users can be seen in the Timeline: Project Sessions.
Administrators can select one of the users in Project Central and use the Set user as next to sync option to set that user as next in the queue to sync. If the queue is free, then that user will get a sync reminder prompt.
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