
Knowledge BaseStandards Automation

Guardian’s Transactions are the means in which Guardian responds to the identified Revit commands when processing and cleaning Properties from incoming content. For each Revit command used for bringing Revit content into the project model, Guardian’s new properties dialog reacts to each of those commands by customizations based on the type of users, Project/Company Administrator versus end-user. This allows Guardian to automate the process of cleaning incoming content for end-users while providing Project/Company Administrators more advanced processing capabilities.

Transactions are Revit commands for inserting content into the project model such as Load Family, Insert from File, Copy and Paste from another model, or even Explode CAD. Guardian comes pre-populated with the most common Revit commands users need for processing Project Properties. The user experience for each Transaction can be customized for end users.

Why you need Transactions

There are layers and layers of properties within Revit models and families. Understanding of how all these properties function collectively and in conjunction with your firm’s standards is difficult for even the more experienced Revit users. Thus, when content is loaded in the Revit model, Guardian’s Transactions customizes the end-users experience for how Guardian launches and/or processes incoming Project Properties.

Customize Transactions

Transactions are created and modified within Project Configurations under the Transactions tab. Guardian comes pre-populated with the most common Revit commands users need for processing Project Properties. Transactions can be customized as follows:

Transactions tab in Project Configurations

The Monitored Transactions are based on the specific Revit command. Please note the event name and Revit command name, as identified on the ribbon, do not always align.

Pro Tip: Determine the Revit event name by completing a Revit Command (like Insert Family) and checking the event name within the History section in Project Properties.

To create a new Monitored Transaction, click the New button and enter the event name. Variables can also be utilized in these transactions.

Add/Edit Transaction dialog

The Restore Defaults button will remove any newly created Transactions and keep only the default ones.

Each monitored Transaction can be customized for the desired end-user experience in one of the following three ways.

Edit User Experience for Transactions dialog
  • Silent Mode: For the typical end-user experience. It will process all known mappings in the background and purge unused properties when new content is loaded into the model. There will be no Guardian dialog presented to the end user.
  • Show Dialogs (one time mappings): The end user will be presented with the Incoming Properties dialog where they can map the incoming properties to those in the current model. For this option, the end user will only be able to execute a One-Time Mapping and the mapping will not be remembered.
  • Show Dialogs (full mappings): The end user will be presented the Incoming Properties dialog where the user can map the incoming properties to those in the current model. For this option, the end user will be able to execute all mapping types and the mapping will be remembered.

Pro Tip: Set the User Experience to silent mode for the most commonly used Transactions as many novice to intermediate Revit users do not understand Revit properties to the level required for proper Guardian mapping usage.

Incoming Properties dialog

Project/Company Administrators will always get the Show Dialog (full mappings) option. The Project/Company Administrator will receive a dialog for two options for addressing incoming properties:

Handling new properties dialog
  • Remove new properties that are not used: This will process all known mappings in the background and purge unused properties. The Incoming Properties dialog will not be shown.
  • Let me choose which properties to keep: The Project/Company Administrator will be presented the Incoming Properties dialog where all mapping capabilities of incoming properties are available for the incoming content.

For incoming content that requires a longer processing time, Guardian will present the following dialog to skip processing incoming content at that time. The incoming properties can be processed and cleaned later under Project Properties.

Dialog for scanning properties for usage

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