Uploading Sync Properties

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Uploading Sync Properties

Your standard properties can be stored in one convenient place without taking up space within project files. Allow your end users easy and quick access to company standard properties by uploading and maintaining them in the cloud! The cloud properties aren't specific to any Revit year and can easily be used across the different versions. This section will go over how to upload properties to the cloud and how to utilize the sync capabilities.

Uploading to the cloud

To store properties in the cloud, first open a project file that contains company standard properties. This can be a template or some other container file. The file will need to be registered through Guardian before the properties can be uploaded.  

Under Projects, select the desired property type to upload.

Project dropdown with arrow pointing to property types

These dialogs will show the properties within the current active project and can be uploaded to the cloud.

Fill Patterns dialog

Select the desired properties to upload and select Upload/Sync.

Upload/Sync dialog

In this dialog, select the Upload All Remaining button. You will then get an option to Upload only or Upload and keep synchronized. Select Upload only to upload the selected properties. For utilizing the Sync capabilities, see the Guardian Sync section.

Upload options dialog

Pro tip: The cloud properties are stored irrespective of the Revit versions. So, there is no need to upload from specific Revit versions.

Once the properties are uploaded, an In Cloud icon will show next to them in their respective dialogs. They can now be downloaded into any project files by either admins or end users.

Fill Patterns dialog with In Cloud icons

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